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How to Apply the SAM Model for Agile Instructional Design

In the fast-paced world of instructional design, the demand for quick, flexible, and learner-centered approaches has never been higher. Traditional models like ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) have served well for structured environments but can fall short when agility and iterative feedback are needed. Enter the SAM Model (Successive Approximation Model), an agile approach to instructional design that embraces rapid prototyping, collaboration, and continuous feedback.

This article will explore how to apply the SAM Model effectively for agile instructional design, helping instructional designers deliver dynamic learning experiences that meet today’s demands

Let’s dive into the SAM Model and how it can transform your approach to agile instructional design.

How to Apply the SAM Model for Agile Instructional Design

What is the SAM Model?

The SAM Successive Approximation Model (SAM) is an agile approach to instructional design that focuses on rapid prototyping and continuous feedback. Traditional methods like ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) follow a linear path, which can be time-consuming and rigid. SAM, on the other hand, embraces flexibility and iteration, making it perfect for environments where quick adjustments are crucial.

SAM is highly collaborative and ensures that stakeholders, including learners, are involved from the beginning. This helps instructional designers stay aligned with the project's goals while constantly improving the learning experience through feedback.

Why Choose SAM Over ADDIE?

You might be asking, “Why not stick with ADDIE?”

Great question.

Here’s the lowdown:

  • ADDIE is linear. You move from one phase to the next without looking back.
  • SAM is cyclical. You iterate and refine as you go.

This means SAM is more adaptable, especially when project requirements change.

Check out this comparison between ADDIE and SAM for more insights.

Key Components of the SAM Model

1. Preparation Phase

Start by understanding the project scope and gathering initial requirements.

  • Identify stakeholders and involve them early.
  • Define learning objectives clearly.
  • Conduct preliminary research to inform your design.

2. Iterative Design Phase

This is where SAM shines with its iterative instructional design cycles.

  • Rapid Prototyping: Create quick drafts of your learning materials.
  • Gather Feedback: Share prototypes with stakeholders and learners.
  • Refine and Repeat: Use the feedback to improve the design continuously.

3. Iterative Development Phase

Move beyond design to develop the actual learning content.

  • Collaborative Design Process: Work closely with your team.
  • Flexible Learning Development: Adapt materials based on ongoing feedback.
  • User-Centered Design: Ensure the content meets learners’ needs.

Applying the SAM Successive Approximation Model for Agile Instructional Design

1. Preparation Phase: Foundation of Agile Design

The SAM process in instructional design begins with a preparation phase, which mirrors the need for thorough planning in any agile process. Here, two main activities take place:

  • Information Gathering: Collect data from stakeholders, including subject matter experts (SMEs) and learners. This information helps define the project’s goals, learning outcomes, and constraints, setting the foundation for the instructional design model.
  • Savvy Start Workshop: This workshop is a critical aspect of SAM. Here, all team members—including designers, SMEs, and sometimes even learners—collaborate to brainstorm, define objectives, and start conceptualizing the learning experience. The Savvy Start emphasizes the importance of feedback from the very beginning, ensuring that everyone is aligned before moving forward.

2. Iterative Design Phase: Rapid Prototyping

Once the groundwork is laid, the Iterative Design Phase begins, which is all about rapid prototyping and feedback. Much like how the Segment Anything Model breaks down an image into manageable segments, SAM in instructional design breaks the learning experience into iterative prototypes that can be quickly evaluated and improved.

  • Prototype Development: In SAM, designers create rapid, low-fidelity prototypes of the instructional content, similar to how an image segmentation model develops initial image segments. These could be storyboards, interactive activities, or assessments. The goal is to get something into the hands of learners as soon as possible.
  • Frequent Feedback: Just as the segmentation model developed by Meta uses real-time feedback to improve object segmentation, SAM instructional designers continuously gather feedback from learners and stakeholders. Each round of feedback informs the next version of the prototype, allowing for constant improvements.
  • Iterative Cycles: This phase repeats in cycles, with each iteration refining the content until it’s ready for full development. Much like how a segmentation model refines image details over time, instructional designers fine-tune the learning experience based on iterative insights.

3. Iterative Development Phase: Refining the Product

The Iterative Development Phase in SAM focuses on refining the instructional content through small, manageable stages, akin to how a model for image segmentation progressively isolates objects in an image. This phase focuses on high-fidelity prototypes, built after the initial feedback has been incorporated.

  • Development and Testing: As instructional materials are developed, they are tested in real-time with small groups of learners, allowing for continued refinement. This iterative process mirrors the Segment Anything Model’s capability to update segmentation parameters based on continuous feedback.
  • Real-Time Adjustments: Similar to how an image segmentation model corrects itself based on new data, SAM allows designers to make immediate changes based on learner feedback, ensuring the final product is as effective as possible.

4. Implementation Phase: Delivering the Final Product

Once the instructional content has been refined, the Implementation Phase rolls out the learning experience. However, just like the Segment Anything Model can continually adapt and adjust, SAM’s agile approach allows for rolling launches and real-time feedback.

  • Incremental Delivery: The content is rolled out to learners in stages, allowing designers to monitor its impact and make adjustments along the way. This approach ensures that the learning experience remains dynamic and adaptable.
  • Continuous Monitoring: After the content is deployed, continuous monitoring and data collection help identify areas that may need further refinement, just as an object segmentation model continuously improves based on new image data.

5. Evaluation and Iteration: Refining the Experience

The final step in the SAM instructional design model is to evaluate the learning experience and iterate on it, much like a segmentation model refines its understanding of an image over time.

  • Formative and Summative Evaluations: These assessments help determine whether the instructional goals are being met and where improvements can be made. This evaluation process mirrors the image segmentation model’s iterative refinement, which improves its segmentation accuracy with each use.
  • Continuous Iteration: Based on the evaluations, the learning experience can continue to evolve, ensuring that it stays relevant and effective for future learners, just as a segmentation model continues to evolve in response to new image data and tasks.

Benefits of Using the SAM Model

Adopting SAM offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility: Easily adapt to changes and new insights.
  • Speed: Faster development cycles mean quicker launches.
  • Collaboration: Enhanced teamwork through continuous feedback.
  • User-Centric: Focused on creating content that truly meets learner needs.

Real-World Example

Imagine you're designing an online course for corporate training.

Using SAM, you’d start with a simple prototype of your first module.

Share it with a few employees and gather their feedback.

Maybe they find the content too dense.

You adjust, make it more interactive, and test again.

This cycle continues until the course is polished and effective.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Switching to SAM isn't always smooth sailing. Here are some hurdles and tips to tackle them:

Resistance to Change

  • Solution: Educate your team about SAM’s benefits. Share success stories.

Managing Feedback

  • Solution: Establish clear channels for feedback and prioritize actionable insights.

Time Management

  • Solution: Break tasks into smaller steps and set realistic deadlines.


What is the SAM Model?

The SAM Model is an agile instructional design framework that uses iterative cycles to develop educational programs, allowing for continuous feedback and refinement.

How does SAM differ from ADDIE?

While ADDIE is a linear model with distinct phases, SAM is cyclical and flexible, promoting ongoing iterations and improvements throughout the design process.

Can SAM be used for eLearning?

Absolutely. SAM is highly effective for eLearning design, enabling rapid prototyping and continuous enhancement based on learner feedback.

Who created the SAM Model?

The SAM Model was developed by Michael Allen, a prominent figure in instructional design.

What tools support the SAM Model?

Tools like Learning Management Systems (LMS), rapid prototyping software, and AI video creation tools are great for implementing SAM.

Getting Started with SAM

Ready to transform your instructional design process?

Start by familiarizing yourself with the ADDIE model if you haven’t already.

Then, begin integrating SAM’s iterative approach into your projects.

Remember, the key is to stay flexible, seek continuous feedback, and always aim for improvement. 

Embracing the SAM Model can revolutionize your agile instructional design, making your learning materials more effective and engaging.

Give it a go and watch your projects thrive.